Keywords: foresight, tourism investment attractiveness, tourism investment attractiveness foresight, methods, methodology


Civilizational challenges of global scale, growing uncertainty of cyclical processes of economic development, the emergence of new, to some extent ambiguous, but powerful factors of socio-economic transformation, caused a slowdown in the dynamics of the national system of tourism. Under the conditions of global crisis phenomena, which are now characteristic of Ukraine's economic development, including the consequences of these phenomena, without a preventive response to external imbalances, socio-economic development is complicated. Therefore, forecasting of investment attractiveness of tourism, its investment as a component of the national economy is the basis for determining the prospects for socio-economic development of regions and the country on certain time horizons, which allows modeling scenarios of development of sub-units and regions in a dynamic market environment, which de facto is poorly predictable. The purpose of the article is to define the essence of the foresight, to project this definition to the field of tourism, by clarifying the definition of "investment attractive foresight", as well as the characteristics of the foresight methodology. The main research methods used in writing the article are comparative, cognitive generalization. The tense dynamics of management practice constantly complicates the field of solving applied problems by the subjects of activity. Scientific thought does not have time to investigate the problems that arise in a highly unstable business environment. Due to the growing dynamism and uncertainty of the external environment, the desire for stable development in the long term is significantly increasing, which actualizes the study of the formation of methodological foundations of tourism foresight. The method of forecasting or predicting future trends is now more relevant than ever is relevant today as never before, especially in the tourism industry under conditions of pandemic and war. Anticipation of investment attractiveness of tourism has practical value, as its application in practice allows to form strategic goals and develop preventive measures to implement the developed strategy.


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