• Leonid Melnyk Sumy State University
  • Oleksandr Matsenko Sumy State University
  • Vladyslav Piven Sumy State University
  • Oleksandr Derykolenko Sumy State University
  • Maksym Kyrylenko Sumy State University
Keywords: human capital, economic system, process, digital economy, industrial revolutions


The article studies the role and various manifestations of human capital in the functioning and development of the digital economy. The key context of the research is the phenomenon of reproduction of the components of human capital, including the processes of production and consumption. As an important prerequisite for reproduction, the phenomenon of streamlining the three basic origins of functioning of economic systems is analyzed: material, informational and synergetic. The relationship and interaction of these origins play an important role in the formation of various types of capital, including human capital. The article reveals the content and directions of investing in the main components of the reproductive cycle of the economic system: demand, property relations, performers, governing bodies, infrastructure, and natural factors. The article focuses on the analysis of the trialectic foundations of the reproduction of human capital through the formation and interaction of the essential origins of man: biological, social, and labor. The man-consumer of the digital economy is fundamentally different from the human-consumer of previous eras. The main thing is that the vast majority of personal needs become an end in itself, rather than a means of obtaining material benefits in the future. Man-producer will increasingly move from the impact on material objects of labor (change of shapes, sizes, properties) to the impact on information (development of creative industries, the selection of useful information from large data sets). Based on the analysis of the substantive basis of the three industrial revolutions (third, fourth, and fifth), transformational changes are predicted, which should take place during the phase of transition to a new socio-economic formation. The main ones are sustainization of human consciousness, digitalization, and networkization of competencies; formation of the ability to live in the conditions of Internet of Things; sociologization of development, etc.


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How to Cite
Melnyk, L., Matsenko, O., Piven, V., Derykolenko, O., & Kyrylenko, M. (2020). FORMATION OF HUMAN CAPITAL IN THE DIGITAL ECONOMY. Mechanism of an Economic Regulation, (4 (90), 19-35.