• Tetyana Vasilyeva Sumy State University
  • Karina Dzeverina Poltava University of Economics and Trade
  • Volodymyr Kasianenko Sumy State University
Keywords: national economy, state target program, target, optimization, state examination


The paper investigates theoretical and applied principles to determine the conditions for the introduction of the targeting regime in the government instruments system of economic and social development. This paper determines the key factors influencing the development of state-targeted programs, and analyzes the main weaknesses in the organization of its implementation. The paper suggests stages of monitoring based on the targeting regime, taking into account the stages of development and implementation of state target programs. We have developed the conceptual principles of the introduction mechanism of the targeting regime in the implementation of state target programs. The paper demonstrates the imperfection of the domestic system to implement the program-target method compared with its use in the European countries in terms of management and assessment of programs. An important aspect of the success to apply the targeting regime is the availability of a proper legal and regulatory framework that controls the main provisions of its implementation, the purpose of which is to ensure consistency of the indicator both at the strategic and operational levels and at the national, regional, sectoral levels. The object of monitoring at the final stage of the state target programs implementation is the target level, calculated on the basis of achieved indicators. The article states that the monitoring on the basis of the state target program targeting regime allows them to rank their priority in quantitative (target level taking into account spatial and temporal constraints) and qualitative aspects (compliance with the basic and additional conditions of the economic potential of the national economy). Also, monitoring based on the targeting regime allows the formation of an approved list of state target programs, which will be implemented first and foremost. The paper concludes that for the methodological support of the target regime introduction it is necessary to assess the real conditions that determine the development of the economic potential of the Ukrainian economy at the present stage.


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How to Cite
Vasilyeva, T., Dzeverina, K., & Kasianenko, V. (2019). PROGRAM-TARGET METHOD AS AN INSTRUMENT OF STATE REGULATION OF STRATEGIC ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF UKRAINE. Mechanism of an Economic Regulation, (1 (83), 99-108.