Keywords: agro-industrial enterprise, marketing analysis, logistics channels, grain corridor, strategic development


The research is devoted to marketing analysis of the activities of Ukrainian agro-industrial enterprises during the war, factors and risks affecting the effectiveness of their functioning as a guarantee of the normal functioning of the domestic economy, the identification of possible solutions to overcome the current problems of agricultural producers, as well as the prediction of strategic changes in their activities. In the article there are used such methods of scientific research as observation, analysis, systematization, graphical methods of displaying information, forecasting. The results of research demonstrate that agricultural enterprises not quickly, but confidently adapted to the new operating conditions and continue to implement it. The most negative impact was felt in the following aspects: an increase in the cost of logistics; limited access to finance; an increase in the cost of means of production; reduction of capacities for product storage; non-reimbursement of VAT; exchange rate difference; decrease in exports. In order to overcome the current problems of agricultural producers in the short- and long-term perspective, it is proposed to diversify activities, at least through the cultivation of various grain and oil products, which will reduce the risks of market oversaturation and falling prices. And also continue to create infrastructural stock (for storage and transshipment of grain), build alternative sales channels and establish own export logistics, first of all through the ports of the Danube region. Among the main strategic trends in the development of the Ukrainian agricultural sector, the following have been identified: the transition from the strategy of "increasing productivity" (harvest) to "reducing costs"; direction of investments in logistics and storage; growth of the investment attractiveness of the processing industry; development of ecological, waste-free production, the use of "green energy". It should be emphasized that the system for solving issues related to the restoration and improvement of Ukrainian agribusiness is the area of responsibility not only for agro-industrial complexes. It consists of both state support and foreign sponsorship programs and investments in the agricultural industry of Ukraine as an important global market leader in the supply of various agricultural products.


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How to Cite
Afanasieva, O., Leonov, O., & Leonova, T. (2023). MARKETING STRATEGIC ANALYSIS OF THE AGRICULTURAL INDUSTRY OF UKRAINE DURING THE WAR. Mechanism of an Economic Regulation, (2 (100), 23-28.