Keywords: efficiency, evaluation of activity efficiency, pharmaceutical enterprise, system of efficiency evaluation indicators, performance evaluation indexes


Evaluation of the results of the company's activity, identification of trends, problems and successes in various components (types) of activity allows justifying further management decisions regarding the minimization of negative trends and improvement of positive achievements. The purpose of the article is an analytical study of the set of indicators that characterise the efficiency of the enterprise, the formation of a system of indicators for evaluating the efficiency of the pharmaceutical enterprise. To achieve the goal of the research, the author uses a complex of scientific methods: content analysis - to identify and describe the performance indicators of the enterprise; rating method - to standardise the evaluation of various coefficients, calculating the overall efficiency rating; graphic method - to determine the dynamics of efficiency indexes. The essence of efficiency as an integrated economic category was studied. The following main types of effectiveness have been identified: economic, social, environmental, and organizational. Further research is focused on indicators of economic efficiency. The author proposed to evaluate the efficiency of the pharmaceutical enterprise according to five groups of indicators: efficiency of fixed assets indicators; efficiency of working capital indicators; indicators of capital using efficiency; efficiency of labour resources indicators; efficiency of material resources indicators. To analyse the dynamics of efficiency level of the researched pharmaceutical enterprise, a rating method was used, the essence of which is a comparison with a reference value (rating). Based on the results of the analysis of JSC “Farmak” performance indicators, a petal diagram was constructed for all performance evaluation indexes and a histogram - for the total performance index of the enterprise. The calculation of the total index revealed a tendency for the efficiency of the researched enterprise to deteriorate. The dynamics of individual indexes by groups of indicators and the total index of the enterprise's activity efficiency allowed identifying the general trend and directions of management decisions regarding the improvement of the level of efficiency.


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How to Cite
Derenska, Y. (2023). EVALUATION OF THE EFFICIENCY OF THE ENTERPRISE ACTIVITY. Mechanism of an Economic Regulation, (1 (99), 81-85. https://doi.org/10.32782/mer.2023.99.13